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Ideas of places to visit in Brittany

Brittany boasts an abundance of things to see and do.  Here are two ideas less than an hour from the Hôtel de France and Saint-Pol-de-Léon.   


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You will be fascinated by these strange shaped boulders.

Huelgoat forest, a land of legends and fairytales, is located in the Armorica natural regional park.  According to the legend, Gargantua asked to be put up in the forest.  Disappointed by the lack of hospitality, he threw the rocks onto which is now called the Chaos of Rocks.


A must-see : Chaos du Moulin (chaos of the mill), rivière d’argent (silverstream), grotte du diable (devil's grotto), the chasm, camp d’Artus (Arthur's cave) …

A challenge for the whole family : the « roche tremblante » or trembling rock. This enormous boulder weighing over 100 tons wavers slightly when you press certain spots.  It's up to you to find them !


Monts d’Arrée

In the heart of the Armorica natural regional park, this mountain range divides the Finistère in two.  The wild landscapes of Monts d'Arrée are stunning and quite impressive with a blend of heaths, gorse and rocky crests.  These splendid views can be admired during a hike.  On your way you will see :

Saint-Michel de Brasparts chapel : located at the top of a hill from where on a fine day you can see the "montagnes noires" (black mountains), the bell tower at Saint-Pol-de-Léon and the sea.

Cragou rock : the only completely natural area in Brittany.  To reach it, take the path at the exit to Bouillard hamlet.  


Les Abers

Also known as the "Côte des Légendes" (Coast of Legends), Les Abers (Wrac’h, Benoît and Ildut) is an oasis of greenery which contrasts with the wild, rugged coast.  Les Abers boasts the largest concentration of lighthouses and approach lights in France.




Photo credits: A. Jolibois, E. Berthier, P. Torset et A. Lamoureux